Justice and steadfastness

Let the Capitol stand gleaming

Extract from: Odae 3.3. 40-44.
Dum Priami Paridisque busto
Insultet armentum et catulos ferae
Celent inultae, stet Capitolium
triumphatisque possit
Roma ferox dare iura Medis

Provided only the cattle trample over the tomb of Priam and of Paris,
and the wild beasts hide their whelps there with impunity,
let the Capitol stand gleaming,
and let warlike Rome dictate terms to the conquered Medes.

Campidoglio, Rome. Light rays from the tower.

Michel 551 Sassone 402, AFA 483

Date of issue: 1936
Face value: 75 c.

Date created: 22/03/00 11:41:49