The co-operative state.

Drawn up and directed towards one and only goal.

A Book, a shawl, wheels, a hammer, a pen, with hands holding, are linked together in the shape of fasces.

Mussolini established the ‘corporate state’ by combining unions and employer associations into ‘corporations’, for each major economic sector and industry. The corporate system was touted as an original form of economic organisation, in which state-supervised co-operation between capital and labour would replace class conflict.
Corporative organisations was developed as an antidote to liberal individualism, unionism, and other forms of worker activism, and would pass itself off as a perfectly ordered, monolithic block. Corporations were often represented in visual language as a family tree, a structure whose logic of descent or affiliation is strictly dictated by inextricable ties.

The wording of the text derives from the military system.

Michel 419, Sassone 329, AFA 359

Date of issue: 1932
Face value: 25 c.

Date created: 22/03/00 11:41:48